American Unity Fund Endorses 2 Pro-LGBTQ Republicans in Senate Battlegrounds
WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 18) - American Unity Fund, a conservative LGBTQ advocacy organization, announces endorsements in two U.S. Senate battlegrounds where pro-LGBTQ Republicans face pivotal elections in November.
The two endorsed candidates are:
Sen. Dean Heller (Nevada), the incumbent senior senator from Nevada, is a proven ally for LGBTQ Americans. Heller voted for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), supported spousal protections for same-sex couples, and voted for LGBTQ inclusion in the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act. Like many Americans, he has taken a journey on issues related to LGBTQ freedom and has proven himself to be a friend to LGBTQ progress.
Bob Hugin (New Jersey) is a strongly pro-LGBTQ Republican who has staked out some of the boldest pro-freedom positions of any Senate candidate in the country, Republican or Democrat. Hugin favors open military service for all qualified Americans, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and supports the freedom to marry for same-sex couples and LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination laws.
"Both Heller and Hugin can be crucial allies in Congress for LGBTQ Americans, promoting personal freedom, a strong national defense, and consistent, limited government," said American Unity Fund senior advisor Tyler Deaton.
"Sen. Heller has more than earned the trust of Nevadans by standing up to his own party when it's counted," Deaton said. "He has been particularly notable for his leadership to combat and end human trafficking, cosponsoring legislation signed into law by both President Obama and President Trump.
"In New Jersey, we hope the voters will consider giving Hugin a chance to represent their values with bold, bipartisan leadership. Hugin has staked out a pro-freedom platform on LGBTQ issues that is unprecedented for a Republican U.S. Senate candidate. We applaud his approach to freedom for all Americans and are glad to see the momentum he's building with voters across the political spectrum.
"American Unity Fund is proud to support these two freedom-oriented campaigns and looks forward to working with them to advance LGBTQ freedom in the next Congress," Deaton said.